Build your confidence
and learn to communicate successfully
in an international context!
Free Visual Springboarding Starter Pack

Let Global Confidence Corporate Training
show you the way to international business success

For Companies
- Communication seminars
- Hands-on workshops
- Tailored group training

For Individuals
- Business English 1-1 training
- Presentation coaching
- On-demand corporate support

For Trainers
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- Classroom tips & tricks
- Advice & networking
Visual Springboarding™

Introduction: What is Visual Springboarding™?
Visual Springboarding™ was developed by communications trainer Sherri Williams of Global Confidence. It is a method for structuring and preparing for spoken communication in a language other than your own. Specially-designed Visual Springboards™ can help you:
- Structure your thoughts & ideas
- Provide a visual template for your notes
- Give you confidence to speak freely and fluently
When you are speaking in a second (or third or fourth!) language, it can be tempting to write out your notes in full sentences to prepare for a presentation or meeting. But because the way we write is different than the way we speak, this can lead to boring, un-natural speech.
Instead, you can take short, memory-boosting notes on a Visual Springboard™ sheet and then simply describe the picture as you speak!
Who can use this method?
Anyone who wants to improve their speaking skills in any language can use Visual Springboarding™. It is especially good for students and businesspeople preparing for meetings, presentations or discussions in a foreign language. It can also be used by language trainers, speaking coaches or schoolteachers with individuals or in groups.
How do I use Visual Springboards™?
The Visual Springboarding™ method is simple and very flexible.
- Select a topic for your chosen Springboard
- Write outline-style notes (not full sentences) in the spaces provided
- Practice speaking by describing the picture out loud—have someone listen to you, or record yourself
- Practice, practice, practice!
Most importantly, have fun!
What our Clients Are Saying
What do our past participants think of the training?
Während meines 6-monatigen Englisch-Training habe ich Sherri Williams als eine sehr qualifizierte und empathische Trainerin kennengelernt.
Durch ihren interessanten und durchdachten Training konnte ich innerhalb kürzester Zeit einen echten Lernfortschritt feststellen - und Spaß gemacht hat es auch noch.

T. Boldt
Sherri ist eine wirklich sehr herzliche Trainerin, sie schafft es das Training so zu gestalten, dass es Spaß macht. Sie gibt einem nicht das Gefühl, dass man sich schlecht fühlen würde, wenn man etwas falsches sagt.
Ich habe das Training bei ihr wirklich sehr genossen und es hat mir geholfen mein Englisch zu verbessern!

S. Fischer
Communicate Internationally
Learn to deal with English-speaking clients across cultures and stay competitive in the global market.
Increase Your Confidence
Improve your fluency and flow, as well as your ability to make small talk and establish relationships in English.
Improve Your Bottom Line
No more failed negotiations, lost clients or missed opportunities! Finally close deals with English-speaking clients and increase your sales.
Is This training right for you?
- You use English regularly in your work at an intermediate or advanced level
- You don't feel comfortable negotiating with English-speaking clients
- You feel nervous making small talk or presentations in English
- You want to speak fluently and confidently
If any of these points describe you, our training can help! Contact us for a free consultation.
Free Visual Springboarding Starter Pack

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